Student Self-Assessment for Enrolling in Hybrid Math 15 (Intro to Statistics)

    The section of Math 15 you are thinking of enrolling is considered a "hybrid" class at Santa Rosa Junior College, since it combines a weekly meeting in the classroom with required online learning activities. Instead of attending lectures in the classroom, you will study the materials posted online, participate in online discussions, and complete a portion of the weekly assignments before each classroom session.

    This short quiz is provided to give you some feedback on whether a hybrid course is appropriate for you. Your score will be displayed in the next page together with guidelines on how to interpret your score.

  1. The amount of time I expect to spend on a hybrid course is...

  2. My motivation for taking hybrid classes is...

  3. In terms of time management, I am someone who...

  4. In terms of following written instructions, I am someone who...

  5. I would rate my reading ability as...

  6. How do you normally use your textbook when you take a Math class?

  7. Choose the statement below that best fits you with regard to writing...

  8. My attitude towards group work can be best described as:

  9. When I have a problem with using a computer,

  10. My past experience with taking Math courses is best described as: