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Mixed Constructions: Learning Resources

grammar gym iconThis web site is developed and supported by the Virginia Tech Department of English. It offers a colorful and fun approach to recognizing and correcting mixed construction errors. The link offers warm-up, stretching, and workout sessions; the workouts are similar to quizzes.

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Guide to Grammar & Writing iconThis website is maintained by the English Department at Capital Community College. The link offers careful explanations with lots of examples of logical and illogical constructions. There is a quiz to test your skill level. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/confusion.htm

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This site for technical writers offers great examples of the most common sources of predication errors, and good advice for correcting these errors.

"Head Abe Lincoln's Advice to Avoid Faulty Predication," EditPros, Davis, California. http://www.editpros.com/news1206.html

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