Course Title: Virus Protection & Disk Backup
Instructor: Eric Skagerberg, Adjunct Faculty, Santa Rosa Junior College
Computer Studies Department
1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Phone (707) 573-1460 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. M-F
Email: e r i c at s k a g e r b e r g dot c o m
Course material, class & office hours:  http://www.santarosa.edu/~eskagerb or http://www.skagerberg.com/srjc

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on two topics: Protection from Computer Viruses and Disk Backup Techniques. The first session provides an overview of computer threats and security software. The second session provides an overview of backup hardware and software, and backup strategies. You will perform a full backup of selected folders, and if time permits, a selective restore.

RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: You should have a basic familiarity with Windows, Internet Web use, and the components of a computer.

SUPPLIES: (1) Notebook; (2) for the second session, a USB flash drive.

CONDUCT: Please follow the SRJC Student Conduct Standards.  Please expect violation of any of these rules to affect your grade and enrollment in this course.

Pass/No Pass Preferred: Due to the concentrated nature of this course, please use the Registration Web Link to select the P/NP (Pass/No Pass) option during the first session of the course, unless you have a compelling reason otherwise. P/NP (also known as CR/NC, or Credit/No Credit) is not automatic when you enroll in this course; you must specify it.  When you choose P/NP, you will receive a grade based on your class attendance and participation, and you will have no assignments outside of class.

If the system doesn't allow you to change to P/NP because you have exceeded the maximum of 3 units per semester or 12 units for all semesters attended, you may still petition for it with the Petition For Waiver Of College Regulations (PDF file).  SRJC Policy 3.10p permits P/NP for reasons such as personal interest and job skills preparation.

If you require a letter grade for the course, then you will receive a grade based on the following:

Grading Scale:

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

Below 60% F