Course Title: Virus Protection & Internet Security
Instructor: Eric Skagerberg, Adjunct Faculty, Santa Rosa Junior College
Computer Studies Department
1501 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Phone (707) 573-1460 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. M-F
Email: e r i c at s k a g e r b e r g dot c o m
Course material, class & office hours:  http://www.santarosa.edu/~eskagerb or http://www.skagerberg.com/srjc

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on Internet Security, including protection from viruses, spyware, and other types of computer attacks.

RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: You should have a basic familiarity with Windows, Internet Web use, and the components of a computer.

SUPPLIES: Notebook

CONDUCT: Please follow the SRJC Student Conduct Standards.  Please expect violation of any of these rules to affect your grade and enrollment in this course.

Pass/No Pass Preferred: Due to the concentrated nature of this course, please use the Registration Web Link to select the P/NP (Pass/No Pass) option during the first session of the course, unless you have a compelling reason otherwise. P/NP (also known as CR/NC, or Credit/No Credit) is not automatic when you enroll in this course; you must specify it.  When you choose P/NP, you will receive a grade based on your class attendance and participation, and you will have no assignments outside of class.

If the system doesn't allow you to change to P/NP because you have exceeded the maximum of 3 units per semester or 12 units for all semesters attended, you may still petition for it with the Petition For Waiver Of College Regulations (PDF file).  SRJC Policy 3.10p permits P/NP for reasons such as personal interest and job skills preparation.

If you require a letter grade for the course, then you will receive a grade based on the following:

Grading Scale:

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

Below 60% F