CS 81.21:  Introduction to UNIX

© 2009 Eric Skagerberg   (All rights reserved.  This material may not be reproduced in printed or electronic format without the express permission of the author.)
Adjunct Instructor, Computer & Information Sciences Department
Santa Rosa Junior College, California
Assignment Schedule

Page last updated 21 August, 2009

How to Redo or Finish an Assignment Later

What if you submitted your assignment answer form, but you want to redo it or change an answer before the deadline?

Or what if you're in the middle of answering a assignment's questions, and you want to come back to the rest later?

As long as you're still before the deadline, you can submit a assignment answer form as many times as you want. I'll only look at your last one.

So, here's the general approach:

1. The answer form won't allow you to submit it unless you put some answer on all of the questions. So, in the Answer Form, enter as many of your good answers as you can, and then make sure you put some mark, selection, or X on all the rest of the questions -- right or wrong. You can then submit the form.

2. You'll get an e-mail copy of your answers. Save it.

3. When you're ready to do more, or if you want to redo it, open your e-mail copy, and open a new blank answer form for the assignment.

4. Copy your previous good answers from your e-mail into your new answer form.

5. Answer the rest of the questions, as in Step 1 above, and submit again.

6. You may repeat steps 1 to 5 as many times as needed (but before the deadline!).

Again, I will only score the last answer form you submit, and ignore all the previous ones. Therefore, your last submission has to have all of your good answers in it. You can't submit answers to different questions in different answer forms; I won't see them.

However, you still have submit your last answer form before the deadline. Any assignment answer form submitted after the deadline gets a penalty of 20% off, unless you have made special arrangements with me before the deadline. (The 2nd week late gets 40% off. After the 2nd week, the answer form closes.)

- Eric S.

Assignment Schedule


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