CS 80.13: Windows Command Line

© 2010 Eric Skagerberg   (All rights reserved.  This material may not be reproduced in printed or electronic format without the express permission of the author.)
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Studies Department
Santa Rosa Junior College, California
Eric S. Home Page
Assignment Schedule

Message Input

Message Archive
Page last updated 4 August, 2010

Fall 2010

· Syllabus

· Assignment Schedule

· Gradebook

· Elluminate Product Support Guide

· Student Data Disks

· Troubleshooting Resources

· Textbook site

· Review the Textbook on Amazon.com




Live Web Broadcasts from the Classroom
Tuesdays 6 p.m. to no later than 9 p.m.
· Assignment Schedule

Welcome to the Windows Command Line course!  This is a single combined classroom/online course, but with two section numbers, one "online" and one "lecture."  It doesn't matter which section number you enrolled in.  It's taught in a classroom and online, at the same time:   your instructor broadcasts the Wednesday night classroom lectures live on the web, and later puts recordings of the lectures on the Schedule page. You can attend either way, or both, including coming to the classroom one week and attending online the next, either live or recorded.

Getting Started:

1. CATE System Check-in

Check in under your section number below to create your CATE user name and password, which you need to reach lab exercises, answer forms, exams, gradebook, and message list.

Sections 4195 & 4196
Your CATE Student Check-In:  Create your CATE system (Center for Advanced Technology in Education) user name and CATE password to add yourself to the electronic class roster. CATE Check-in
After your instructor scores your assignnments and tests, they will appear in your online Gradebook.  Log in with your CATE user name and password. Gradebook

You can change your CATE password and e-mail address, but not your user name.

Change CATE Password or E-mail


2. Win-Cmd Message List

In this course, we use a message list, Win-Cmd, to ask questions about homework and lecture, share information, and discuss course content.  If you would raise your hand in a classroom about it, post it to this message list.  To send  messages or read the message archive, log in with your CATE user name and password.


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